A Month of prayer

Over the month of June, I will be praying about several important steps for our church. I believe the ministries we started or restarted over the past three years have been a good foundation. Now, how else will we minister in the future? What are the key roles needed for this time and in the days ahead? There is so much to pray about.

Leading up to June 1st, I have been seeking the Lord about what my “month of prayer” will look like. Without getting into all the details, here are some of the basics for me. Each morning I will be praying for a half hour. Each Friday will be devoted strictly to prayer. Each staff meeting will have a greater emphasis on prayer. Each Wednesday night will have more time devoted to prayer.

Maybe you would like to join me. We can make this a “Month of Prayer” for the whole church if you will join me. I want to meet with some of the key men in our church for breakfast and prayer. Let me know if I can meet with you.

Pray for God to show our church the next steps. Pray for God to show you what you are called to do. Prayer is how we plug into the power that changes our lives and our world.

In Jesus’ service,
Pastor Jerry


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