If My People will Pray

I sincerely do not want to try to foretell horrible things to come. I am not trying to be a “Debbie Downer” or a negative person in any way. Still, as I look on the horizon of time, it seems we might be in for a rough ride. The geopolitical landscape isn’t looking good right now. And, what the Bible has to say about what is coming could get difficult.

This is the reason I believe we desperately need revival. We need to be ready for what is ahead of us. A weak faith will not get us through what we might be facing. There will be people falling away from the faith. By this, I mean people who we thought were saved might formally someday soon turn their backs on Jesus. I want the people in this congregation to have an opportunity to get stronger as those darker days approach.

This is why I believe we should do all we can to be READY for revival. A true revival is not just a series of services. A true revival is when people genuinely seek God and He changes those people’s hearts. One by one, or thousands at a time, when hearts are changed and people are no longer content with the status quo. Instead, they want nothing but what God wants. We can’t get prepared until we look at the reality of the chasm between what God wants and what we’ve settled for.

We start October with a solemn assembly to help us prepare. Each Wednesday night leading up to the revival, we will have a time of prayer and preparation. There are also cottage prayer meetings to help us prepare. Finally, October 15-18 is our revival. Let’s pray.

In Jesus’ name,
Pastor Jerry


Those who were prepared


like reading the last chapter