The Greater miracle

As we begin March, we are approaching Easter this year. Yes, Easter is in March. Easter changes dates by our calendar because it follows the ancient Hebrew calendar and it goes by the moon. To us, Easter being this early probably feels a little strange. It is no miracle, but it does seem strange.

Many people point to happenings which might seem strange and they call them miracles. Let me share a few. Would you consider it strange if a dead girl suddenly arose and began talking and walking like those who are alive? Would you consider it strange for a man to die and three days later rise again? Would you consider it strange for an eternal God to die? I mean, can anything or anybody eternal die? Of course, all three examples above did happen. We would all agree they were miracles.

Now, I have a question for you. I’m giving you a test to see if you’re reading these articles. Come and tell me what you believe the correct response is to this question. Is it a greater miracle for a man to rise from the dead? Or, for an eternal God to die?

I look forward to hearing your answers.

In Jesus’ service,
Pastor Jerry Jeter


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