christmas is in the air

It is that season once again! Our sanctuary is beautifully decorated. The mailbox for Christmas Cards is setup in the hall. Christmas songs are being sung already. Sunday School Christmas parties are scheduled. Our Christmas spectacular with Trevor Thomas is scheduled for December 17th at 6 pm. He is a very funny Christian comedian who will share his take on Christmas and some of the characters in the Christmas story. He will make us laugh. He will inspire us. And, he will bring life-change to those who need Jesus.

One of our church’s favorite annual customs is to give out food boxes to those in need. This year, we gather at 9 am on Saturday, December 23rd, to get those boxes out to those who need them. Of course, by then, the boxes will already be prepared. Dudley Rives usually oversees that. If you would like to help, please contact him for more information.

The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering helps mission work all over the world and we’ve been a part of it throughout most of the history of this church. Make plans to help spread the Gospel world-wide through this special offering.

Finally, as we near the end of the year, we might also like to remember the amazing progress we’ve made on paying down the debt on the Family Life Center. We made it an unofficial goal to have it paid down to under $100,000 this year. We are getting very close. Maybe we can still meet that goal, if we all chip in a little.


Starting fresh


Those who were prepared