Starting fresh

Often, the things we did yesterday follow us into the next day or even further down the line (for months or years). Yet, at different times in our lives we realize we need a fresh start. I believe that’s one of the reasons why so many people make New Year’s Resolutions. We should be resolved to make a fresh start in one way or another. For some, the New Year means new eating habits should begin. For others, there are things we need to lay down to never pick up again. We just need a fresh start and the New Year seems like a good time for one.

This coming year, we will be reading key stories in Scripture. We will probably read much of the Old Testament to start with and will likely read some of the New Testament later on. If you read this year’s reading schedule we call “Doing It by the Book”, you will have a good grasp on the Bible as a whole and on why we believe what we believe. So, whether you are a reader or not, why don’t we start fresh this New Year and grow in our knowledge and understanding of God’s Word?

“Doing It by the Book” can help us have further conversations around the water cooler, so to speak. If we go to lunch with a friend from church, we will have things to talk about which we are reading together. Wednesday night Bible study is based on what we read. Sunday’s sermons are often following this reading schedule too. And, it helps us grow. Jump in and try it this year!

In Jesus’ service,
Pastor Jerry Jeter


the dreamer


christmas is in the air