Our Designer’s plan

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. God designed it all. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. Jesus was there with His Father, creating… designing. When creation works according to God’s design, it works well. When creation rebels against God’s design, it begins to crumble.

In the same manner, when the Church works according to Jesus’ design, it works well. When the Church rebels against Jesus’ design, it begins to crumble. As Jesus builds His Church, we can easily see we have a mission. Our overall mission is to make disciples of all nations. We must do that where we are and anywhere else God opens a door for us to go. We fulfill our mission at times when gathering and at times when scattering. Our church is designed to love, reach, teach, train and send.

Let’s take our children’s ministry for an example. The children we are privileged to minister to are loved by the children’s workers in our church, prayed for by the others, reached with the Gospel through Good News Club, taught about living for Jesus in Sunday School, further trained in AWANA and sent to reach their friends for Christ. Plus, our church members are sent to work in Good News Club. The design is working.

The only way we can accomplish the mission Jesus has given us is if we know first hear His voice and second when we obey His commands. When we do those two things, we will be able to live according to Jesus’ design for our church. This is our focus for this year. Church Renewal is coming March 17-19 and will help us all learn to hear God’s voice. Pray for it even now.


Dying to bring life


The new year